Publication Ethics & Malpractice Statement


Authors must be trustworthy when reporting their study findings and conclusions. Misconduct in research is destructive to knowledge. It has the potential to mislead other studies.


Research results

Fabrication, falsification, or selective reporting of data with the goal to confuse or deceive, as well as theft of data or research results from others, are all unethical. The findings of study should be documented and archived for future examination and evaluation. Following release, the data should be stored for a reasonable amount of time and made available on demand. Exceptions may be necessary in some cases to safeguard privacy, ensure patent protection, or for other reasons.



Everyone who has made a substantial contribution should be given the opportunity to be recognized as authors. Other people who have contributed to the effort should be recognized. Articles should provide a complete list of all authors' current institutional connections, including academic and business.



It is not allowed to reproduce text from other papers without correctly attributing the source (plagiarism) or to produce several papers with almost identical material by the same authors (self-plagiarism). It is unethical to submit the same results to many journals at the same time. Review articles are an exception. Authors are not permitted to portray findings gained by others as their own. Authors should recognize the work of others that was utilised in their research and mention publications that informed the direction and course of their investigation.

Turnitin/iThenticate plagiarism detection techniques will be used to screen papers submitted to the Journal of Law and Islamic Law for plagiarism. Papers that include plagiarism will be rejected promptly by the  Journal of Law and Islamic Law.


Duplicate submission

Submissions of the same paper to several journals at the same time will not be accepted. The submitted article will be deleted.


Corrections and retractions

All authors are required to notify and collaborate with journal editors in order to give fast retractions or corrections of flaws in published works.

Retractions will be issued by the journal if any of the following conditions are met:

- There is strong evidence that the results are untrustworthy, either due to malfeasance (e.g., data falsification) or honest error (e.g., miscalculation or experimental error).

- The findings were previously published somewhere else without sufficient crossreferencing, authorization, or justification (i.e., situations of repetitive publishing);

- It is considered plagiarism.

- It publishes unethical research.


Errata will be issued by the journal if any of the following conditions are met:

- A minor piece of an otherwise credible publication is found to be deceptive (due to honest mistake);

- The list of writers is wrong. (i.e. a deserving author has been missed, or someone who does not fit the requirements for authorship has been listed).


Misconduct also includes failing to fulfill obvious ethical and legal obligations, such as misrepresenting one's interests, breaching confidentiality, failing to get informed permission, and abusing research subjects or materials. Misbehavior also involves poor handling of violations, such as efforts to hide misconduct and retaliation against whistleblowers.

The major duty for dealing with research misconduct rests with those who hire the researchers. If a probable violation is brought to our notice, we shall consult with the referees and the Managing Editor. If proof exists, we shall handle the situation by making appropriate revisions in the printed and online journal; failing to discuss an author's future work for a certain length of time; and notifying impacted authors and editors of other publications.

Minor infractions may not result in official investigations, but they are just as harmful given their likely frequency and should be remedied by instructors and mentors.



a. The Journal of Law and Islamic Law publishes articles created within the context of an appropriate research paradigm. All of the essential measures must be taken. These stages must be controlled by the editorial staff and reviewers.

b. The editors and publisher are aware of the ramifications of research misconduct discovery.

c. In the event of ethical violence or research misconduct, Journal of Law and Islamic Law removes the article from its website and requests an explanation from the authors (or corresponding writer) within 5 days. The editorial board of Panitera: Journal of Law and Islamic Law examines the provided response and makes a final judgment on the article.

d. The Journal of Law and Islamic Law's Editorial Board and Publisher publicly proclaim that any changes, clarifications, retractions, and apologies will be published on the Journal's website.